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Keeping a Legacy Alive with Steps…

Dear quality product followers,

Narin Terlik Evi, which has maintained the Turkish slipper culture and habit for four generations, is a boutique business that produces with meticulous workmanship, artistic approaches and quality.

Since the day Narin Terlik Evi was founded, all of its products are produced by hand and with care, and efforts are made to preserve the traditional Turkish slipper culture. Our aim; Our aim is to transfer this culture, which dates back to ancient times, to future generations, and to transform the habit of "wearing slippers", which is one of our most basic habits, into the pleasure of "wearing stylish, comfortable, traditional and artistic slippers".

In today's consumption;

Production based on fabrication and cheap labor,

The appearance that attracts the end consumer only visually,

easy accessibility,

Existing habits such as standing out by offering cheap prices have created different brands operating in this field in the sector. Despite this, in recent years, the demand for boutique and handmade products has been increasing due to their quality, workmanship, comfort and artistic model.

As known; Handmade products are very rare in Turkey and the world, so such products are viewed as rare and a reflection of cultural richness to the present day.

As Narin Terlik Evi, we have been carrying this mission and responsibility since 1951.

  • Seeing customer satisfaction as our priority,
  • By never compromising our quality,
  • By modernizing Turkish handcraftsmanship,
  • We have come to these days by creating artistic approaches to slippers.

Our slippers are handmade from genuine leather, with first class accessories and only with our own special, artistic model works and molds.

In addition, some of our products are specially designed and prepared professionally in our workshops, paying attention to foot comfort and health.

We think that wearing high-quality, stylish slippers is a lifestyle, an understanding of home comfort, a family tradition, a habit that lasts for generations, and is also extremely important in terms of foot health and comfort.

We continue to protect the " NARİN TERLİK " brand, which is based on artistic and handcrafted handmade slippers for our customers, both with our own models and designs and with our custom-made works. “ NARİN TERLİK ”, which is offered for retail sale in Turkey and various countries around the world, has protected this heritage for many years and has persevered in this honor as a Turkish Brand.

Our aim; Slippers, which are a universal culture, are internalized by the young generation in Turkey and turned into a way of life.

The survival of the Narin Terlik Evi brand will depend on the tastes and demands of both us, the producers, and you, the consumers.



Simla UNAL